Saturday, October 6, 2007

Martha has done it again- the pumpkin variety

In the October 2006 issue of Martha Stewart she gives tons of ideas for brilliant pumpkin use. As I mentioned before my family and I make pumpkin cookies around this time every year, but this year we might be adding a few recipes such as the yummys below:
Pumkin Pancakes

Pumpkin ice cream sandwiches

(homeade pumpkin ice cream in between two soft ginger cookies........I'm trying this one for our family general conference dinner on sunday, I'll probably have thirds)

Two more reasons why I love Martha.


Macey said...

hmmm Case, it appears that I have woken with Ki up 2 hours after you went to bed...I wish I was eating dinner with your fam today-Yum!

Case said...

yeah mace I made the pancakes this morning and they were delish! Good recipe!
I just finished making the ginger cookies and will make the ice cream tomorrow. I'm excited to see how it will turn out.