Monday, April 6, 2009

Eagle Woman

So my friend Casey and I were talking the other night about what kind of superhero powers we would want. I told him that I would want to be half eagle/half human and be able to fly and swoop down and pick things up with my claws. I also said that I could light things on fire with my eyes but that I would only use this for good.He replied, "like what? a campfire?" HE LAUGHED THE ENTIRE SCENARIO UP. So today he told me to check my inbox and this picture is what I found.

He proceeded to make a profile for the hero "fire in flight"
Name:eagle woman
Role Model:Big bird
Favorite Band: The Eagles
Favorite Song: I believe I can fly
Life Goal:to become the universal symbol of freedom and light the olympic torch with a blink, and to replace the Eagle on the dollar bill.....
{I forgot the rest of them but all I can say is that I hurt from laughing.}


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA! i love it!!!

Malia said...


Kenzie said...

love it. Expert photo shop material.