Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some end of Boston Summer Pictures

So I had one delightfun time in Boston this summer. I quit my jobs before I left to Europe so when I got back my days consisted of job hunting, breakfast out on the deck with my journal and or guitar, then long walks through the city {in perfect weather} exploring museums, the island off the coast, the zoo, and all of the Emerald necklace treasures by myself while everyone else was at work. Meg and I would round up some people {or contentedly just us} and drive up the coast to a variety of beaches, berry picking farms, and antique port towns. Unfortunetly, I didn't have a camera through all of this but before I left to move back to AZ (beginning of August) Leonardo gave me a camera so I have these pictures of my last weekend there. I still need to get some pictures from Meg of some of the other summer festivities.

Arabian Nights Party
(belly dancing Donatella, palm reading, henna tatoos)

On our way to Walden Pond for a night swim (this was a spiritual experience...being in a lake in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the night. I layed on my back moving my arms back and forth in the water, gazing up at a blanket of stars with the moon just peeking out behind the hill of trees to light our night. One of my top favorite nature moments where God spoke to me through His creations.

Ashley's Bridal Shower

Em's Birthday Party

A great last weekend note to end on.

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