Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let's hear it for my boys

So I know...the blog has been neglected.
I decided to update it with some pictures of my 3 main men and myself. I took them out for an outing a few saturdays back. We went to IHOP where the pancakes smile and to the dollar tree where you would have thought they were making a crucial decision at a car dealership when I let them pick out two toys each. Then we went to Seetas to play with the new toys and put together a dinosaur puzzle that I had purchased for the outing. Dinosaurs kinda rule our earth again, at least in Cotter's world. I love these boys like love loves love, which creates the problem of me rather hanging out with them then the boys my age.



Benny Cruz



Shane and Brandi said...

Aunt Casey Rules! You are such a fun Aunt! I have soooooo many nephews that they hardly get spoiled by me. I do however try to get something they love that mom won't always like on their birthdays. Set of drums etc...

Patterson Family said...

Case is the funnest/best aunt case in the world! Thanks for being super way cool and doing fun things with my babes-they love you!

Malia said...

Lol making crucial decisions.

You have to be the funnest aunt. Any time I've seen you with your neices and nephews you're usually crawling around on all fours acting like a gorilla.

natalie todd said...

your nephews are so cute and i'm sure they love their coolest aunt ever. seriously i know what you mean about the dollar store decisions. its like the last toy they will ever get to buy.

Casey its been so long, but i want your address for my baby shower. Not sure where you are living these days but would love to see you. email me at